When Should I Get New Glasses? (8 Key Signs)
For many people who wear glasses, it's tough to get rid of that old pair you love so much. Getting new glasses can be an unnecessary expense, especially if you feel like your current glasses don’t need to be replaced. Optometrists recommend updating to new glasses every one to three years as needed. However, here are various factors suggesting it is time to get your new glasses:
Blurred Vision
Blurred vision can refer to a sudden and occasional blurry of vision and loss of focus. This can happen to one eye or both due to a dramatic change in your vision or it can be a symptom of another condition, such as cataract. Immediately contact your eye specialist if you notice a difference in your vision.
For blurry vision at any distance, a new pair of glasses may be able to help you see clearly again.
Most times, people don't realize that their constant headaches are linked to changed eye vision. Headaches are one of the first indications of a changed vision.
There are plenty of vision-related reasons why you might be having headaches, including undiagnosed nearsightedness and an outdated prescription.
It’s also possible that your frames are to blame. If the temples (arms) feel like they’re pulling against the back of your ear, it can be uncomfortable enough to cause a headache.
If this is the case, no amount of adjustments will fix the issue, and it’s time to change a new pair of glasses for a better fitting.
People who cannot see clearly tend to squint a lot. While it’s a natural way to improve clarity and focus, it can be detrimental to the eyes when done constantly. This habit can put too much strain on the eyes, making your vision worse.
If you have to squint in order to see your computer monitor at work or your digital devices at home, you may be experiencing digital eye strain. A pair of computer glasses can help focus your intermediate vision, making it easier for you to keep your monitor in focus.
Double Vision
Double vision is not the same as blurred vision. It usually occurs when both eyes have a difference in vision. As the difference increases, the more frequent you’ll experience double vision.
Frequent double vision can have serious implications. You could have crossed eyes (strabismus) or a more serious eye condition like keratoconus.
If your eye doctor says you have crossed eyes, your treatment probably will come in the form of a new pair of glasses. Prismatic power helps correct eye alignment issues and can stop you from seeing double.
Sudden Flashes
Just like sudden blurs, some people experience sudden flashes or floaters in front of their eyes. This is the kind of phenomenon that occurs when you look at a bright light or flashes. However, if it happens for no reason or in the presence of a light that isn’t that bright, it could indicate a change of vision or severe problems related to the retina.
Scratched & Damaged Lenses
If you wear your eyeglasses every day for a year or more, you’ve probably noticed some wear and tear. Even if dings, scuffs, and scratches seem unobtrusive, they could be affecting your vision in ways you aren't consciously aware of, which could lead to eye strain. If your lenses are scuffed or scratched, your best bet is to get a new pair.
Out of Fashion
When it comes to glasses, technology and fashion go hand-in-hand. Newly developed manufacturing techniques and materials are constantly changing fashion—and affordability.
Different colors and shapes are available to compliment your face shape, so find the style that flatters your face and fits your fancy.
You can switch to new glasses if we want to keep up with fashion trends or if you want to update your lenses for more suitable occasions you may have that your current glasses may not fulfill.
It’s Been A Year
It’s recommended that everyone get a comprehensive eye exam every year. Even if your glasses seem to be working fine, your prescription may need adjustments that only a complete eye exam can reveal. Check the calendar—and then check your eyes. Comprehensive eye exams test a number of things to determine what kind of glasses will help you the most.
According to our guidelines, you should know When You Should Get New Glasses. Please keep in mind that you must consult your doctor/optometrist before changing to new glasses. You can also buy them online after obtaining a prescription, thus saving time and money.